Monday, January 23, 2006

the roads we take

“The most beautiful discovery that true friends can make is that they can grow separately without growing apart”- Elizabeth Foley

It’s amazing to me how true this is. Through life’s twists and turns my closest friends have all taken drastically different paths from each other. Some are married and some are not. Some have children. None of us have chosen the same career. Most of us are geographically separated. We are all on different roads heading to different destinations, but thank God that our roads intersect from time to time. We used to be little cookie-cutter molds of one another. We thought that we were individuals back then, but in reality we were a bunch of individuals walking down the same road, in step with one another, growing together. It reminds me of the saying, “Just remember you are unique, just like everyone else.” But there came a point in the road when we all took different routes, and that isn’t a bad thing. In fact, there is a lot of beauty in that. We started to grow separately, but we never grew apart. Some walk smooth and even roads, while others walk rough and rugged roads, but the intersections of our roads are always level and offer a perfect place to rest. I look forward to the next intersection.


Blogger Sky said...

I spoke today to my dearest friend from college. Busy in our own different lives, we do not phone often, but we do stay in touch via e-mail.

No matter that we have traveled very different paths, there is still the excitement when our voices meet, the same excitement which existed so long ago and which has remained throughout our lives.

Love lingers, doesn't it?

7:37 AM

Blogger tara dawn said...

So true, my friend! It amazes me at times to think of how different our lives are now from those days in the past. The places, both physically and mentally, have changed drastically over time. But the bond that holds us together is always there...awaiting the next intersection.
Great post!

8:53 AM

Blogger Dana said...

What a bittersweet entry. To be honest it made me want to cry. It's so true, what you write about. This is what I am so grateful the fabrics of my friendships (yours included) have stayed woven together.) But how I miss the days when we were all together all the time. xoxo

1:03 PM

Blogger Tammy Brierly said...

I have kept in touch with all my good friends, even as far back as 4th grade. I have been tenacious about keeping connected because they were my family. I even whine if it's been too long :)

I need to get on the phone!

10:32 AM


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