list of 4's
TAG - the list of 4's
Alright, I said I would do this so here goes nothing.
4 jobs you've had in your life: (I’ve had so many! This will be tough.)
1. Survival Instructor: I taught survival tactics to aircrew members for the Air Force. It was a fun and rewarding job. Going through Land, Water, Combat and P.O.W. survival training while I was becoming an instructor was such a great experience. You learn a lot about yourself when you are pushed to your physical and emotional limits.
2. SCUBA Instructor: This is what I am doing now while I am finishing my master’s degree. I love it, love it, love it. Surrounded only by the sound of my air bubbles rising through the water for hours on end. Even when I’m instructing, I can’t help but be relaxed.
3. 4th Grade Teacher: I loved my kids! They were awesome. (Do you see a pattern here, I enjoy teaching.) I’ll go in a different direction for the next one.
4. I ran a Kool-Aid stand when I was in 4th grade: What a great job. Summer sun and all the Kool-Aid I could drink. I had a Kool-Aid mustache all summer! Oh Yeah!
4 movies you would watch over and over:
1. Braveheart
2. The Goonies
3. Oh Brother where art thou?
4. Quest for the Holy Grail--There are so many more I wished I could list, but I’m sticking with the rules…
4 places you have lived:
1. Lake George, GA – I grew up in Lake George. A little community on the coast. No stoplights, No noise…just the salt-marsh, shrimpboats and a ten minute boat ride to the mouth of the ocean. Life was bliss growing up here. My personal paradise. I love the Georgia coast.
2. Statesboro, GA –I left and came back, I guess I can’t get enough of this place. I met baylor and Tara here, so if that is all I would have gotten out of it…it would have been enough.
3. Salinas, CA –My family moved out to California for about a year when I was just a wee-little Jeff. I had my first birthday in California. I still have family there and visit them as often as I can. (Which isn’t nearly enough.)
4. Tan Canvas Tent, An-Nasyriah Iraq –I spent a year in that tent…my least favorite residence. By far.
4 tv shows you love to watch:
1. LOST—My favorite show right now by a mile. It’s on now, and I must confess…I am writing this in between commercial breaks.
2. Sportscenter- I’m a guy, tell me you didn’t see that one coming.
3. American Chopper- Guilty pleassure
4. National Geographic Explorer- Actually I’ll watch just about anything on National Geographic, Discovery Channel, TLC, etc.
4 places you have been on vacation:
1. The Grand Caymans- beautiful
2. Jamaica- also beautiful
3. Western/Southern Europe- great trips…great people…great food…great culture…great memories
4. Key West- I had to throw a location in my list that was in the U.S. Man, I love Key West.
4 of your favorite foods:
1. Japanese Steakhouse!—nuff said
2. Chocolate Yoo-Hoo- Technicaly it is a drink not a food, but God I love em’.
3. Steamed Oysters- To quote Jimmy Buffett, “Give me oysters and beer, for dinner every day of the year, and I’d feel fine….” To be more specific, I do like to drink a beer every now and then, but not everyday. So my Jimmy Buffett quote is geared more towards the oysters. If only Jimmy had sang “Give me oysters and Yoo-Hoos…”
4. Hummus – with veggies, chips, crackers, rice, etc… I stole this one from Tara, but I agree. Blue Moon Café here in Statesboro has the absolute best…
4 places you would rather be right now:
1. Looking into the eyes of my eventual soul-mate while lying in a sea of blankets and holding her close. The location isn’t important. The only thing important would be the moment.
I can’t think of any better place than that…I guess I am going to break the rules after all. You only get one answer for this one…
Jeff much I have learned about you from this experience. There is a purity and raw honesty that pervades your writing. The simplicity of such beauty cannot be matched. From your love for the Georgia coast to your weakness for oysters and hummus, from the passion of your soul and the love you exude in this are a kindred spirit indeed my friend. I cannot tell you how grateful I am for your friendship and your presence in my life.
Love and hugs!
8:28 PM
Fun, Jeff! You are working much faster than I. I still have a long wayyyy to go.
We have NO compatibility in our taste for film, but other than that we could enjoy hanging out! :)
I hope you NEVER live in a tan, canvas tent again.
9:23 PM
Wee Jeff! I love that!
I love you!
5:54 PM
I love these questions and your answer's. I need to come back and read some more! Thanks for stopping by :)
Iraq? Wow
Braveheart & Lost...Yes!
Very interesting blog
4:20 PM
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