Thursday, January 19, 2006

no land in sight

I continue to drift in the water. I see no distant shore, no land in sight. My last memory of you creeps into my head and bullies my brain into reenacting the day I drifted away for good. I remember us both in the water, I never felt the current. I was blind to the force that would pull us apart. I was blind. With a sudden surge of power, the peaceful waters became a raging torrent. I felt your hand slip from mine; I felt your touch for the last time. Instinctively…blindly…I reached for you. For the first time in my life, I thought that I might lose you. I was terrified. I thought I knew what fear was before this moment. I was wrong. I reached for you again, and again could not grasp your hand. The fear draped over me like a burial shroud, I cried out for God to help me. As I fought against the current and reached for you a third time, I realized that you recoiled as my hand extended to you. There was a reason I could not find your hand…you weren’t offering it to me anymore. As the comprehension of the situation settled in, I let the waters take me. I watched you as the waters pulled me away. You watched me for a little while, but quickly turned your back and retreated to the safety of the shore as I was being swept out of sight. I saw him greet you on shore and watched as he extended his hand to you…you didn’t recoil. And then I was gone. Since that day, I’ve been cradled by these waters. They are calm and serene again. I guess I have been drifting for over a year now. I’ve become accustomed to the ebb and flow of my new environment. The solitude has been both a friend and an enemy, but I know that this current is taking me someplace. I just don’t know where. I’ve had nothing but time on my hands to think about the possible destination. I choose to think that it will take me to another shore, where I will one day feel a hand reach for mine and pull me out of the water.


Blogger tara dawn said...

Sometimes we have to allow ourselves to drift for a while before the current can once again carry us to shore. I have no doubt that the shore will once again greet you, offering you a hand that will intertwine with yours forever.
I am glad to know that your drifting has at last brought to you a sense of peaceful serenity. And you are right...sometimes the solitude of drifting alone is refreshing. But in the times when it is not, rest in the comfort that you are not alone in the surrounding waters.

3:13 PM

Blogger Dana said...

Oh Jeff...this is absolutley beautiful. I am going to print this out and put it in my journal! This really touched me so much! I can relate so much in so many ways.

If we've learned anything, it's that our journey isn't going to be smooth sailing all the time. And perhaps that can be a beautiful thing. As we learn about our emotions, we can learn to be better for ourselves and better for others. And we learn what life truly is.

How does that song go..."God Bless the Broken Road"...

You know that aren't truly ever really alone! (I look damn good in Scuba gear even though I am afraid of Scuba diving!) xoxo

5:51 PM

Blogger daringtowrite said...

I love the vulnerability and tenderness of this writing, Jeff, and I know it must be so much more than a writing exercise. So, thanks for sharing yourself.

8:09 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is very beautiful...the honest realizations of loss. Thanks for happening by my blog today. I appreciated your comment. I'll plan on stopping by here again. Be well.

8:27 PM

Blogger Sky said...

I am glad you shared this part of your life with us. The metaphors are beautiful. Solitude is comforting when we stop resisting it. What we learn while spending time with ourselves can be even more significant than the lessons taught by our relationshps with others.

My own solitude prepared me for the richest blessing of my life. Blessings flow in their own time and space. I think our task lies in our preparation. I like to imagine you walking out of the water to join your blessing on equal ground.

10:54 PM

Blogger Tammy Brierly said...

You got me! That was so beautiful! If I could write like Tara I would mirror her words. I'll just say awesome and I could see your words so clearly it was like I was floating out there too. I'm now a fan of your blog, thank you.

9:26 AM

Blogger georgiacoast said...

Your words mean a lot to me. Thank you all so much. TD, baylor...thanks for bringing me here. And thanks for being the amazing friends that you are.

Lindsey, beansprout...thanks for stopping by, I look forward to reading more from you.

Wenda, I can't say enough how much I enjoy your writing and I thank you for sharing yourself.

Sky, your words of wisdom always hit home. Thanks for your comments.

And Tammy, your writing won me over the first time I read it. I'm glad Tara pointed me in your direction as well.

Thank you all for your kind words.

11:24 PM


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